8 Ways to Make Natural White Pages Exquisite skin at a reasonable price.

How to make natural white. I can not deny that today is the sun, which burns the surface of the body to dull. Where are the pollutants around the skin at all times? If we wash the face is not clean. The skin is dull, not bright. Cause acne, freckles, dark spots and also cause premature aging. Because of this, we have to turn to prevent the factors that make the skin dull. And look for a way to make a natural white skin to take care of the skin at the same time, we picked it up with me. Seven tips for natural white skin. Say it safe, no toxic residue. How to make a white face as well as how to do it to me. - How to make natural white.

1. Care for the cleanliness of the skin. How to make natural white.

Natural white Which does not mean girls. I have to wash my face often because it results from a study of experts found. Clearing the proper functions. Washed just 2 times a day is enough. Because too often wash the skin can dry and irritate. Or for the face, it may make it look greasy than ever. Because whenever the skin is too dry. The skin to drive sebum or fat under the surface of the skin out enough. It may also result in premature aging as well. By cleaning the surface is best to wash the face always with soap or mild cleansing foam. Morning - Evening Makeup It should be thoroughly wiped clean with a cosmetic wiping product itself.

2. Whitening facial formula.

The formula makes natural white. Wash your face effectively. Choose the cleanser that best fits your skin. Because it removes dirt from the skin. The skin is clean and ready to nourish the next step, so girls should choose a skin cleanser suitable for skin. To effectively cleanse the skin. And to help remove more dirt from the pores. As well as adding nutrients to the skin deep at the same time, we recommend the recipe of self-made from natural raw materials.

coconut ~~ POS = TRUNC.
Coconut oil has a mild cleanser on your face pretty good. After the dirt and pollution throughout the day. Use coconut oil massage on the face lightly. The oil is absorbed through the skin. Leave it for about 30 seconds, then put a towel soaked in hot compresses on the face to open the pores to wait about 15-30 seconds, then wipe with a soft towel. This helps eliminate impurities that clog pores away clean.

Recipes from apple cider.
Apple cider is a mixture of two parts of water, dip a cotton swab to wipe the face after cleaning. Replacing toner girls often used to clean apple cider helps the skin to be neutral. And it does not dry too, it also helps to neutralize the acidity of the skin to neutral. The skin can absorb the best of Moise's riser and cream. It also helps keep the skin smooth and radiant completely.
Honung och citron

Waltz with sticking out of the saddle with honey. Cotton yarn with antiseptic catfish until full gluing. Den innehåller också antioxidant catfish hjälper to att bromsa hudens åldrande. Citrosaft är citronsyra som dödar bakterier och hjälper until it reaches a level of natural health.
Yogurt Recipe

Yogurt helps clean the skin perfectly. It consists of protein and lactic acid, which helps to flush toxins from the skin. It also helps to remove dead skin cells. The new skin glowing and radiant this protein in yogurt helps tighten pores and moisturize the skin. It also helps to reduce wrinkles naturally also. Just use your finger to tap the clean yogurt to point fingers gently massage into skin in a circular area to clean properly. then leaves for 2-3 minutes and then rinse with clean water. When the routine is bright white skin naturally.

Olive oil recipe

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, and can also add moisture to the skin was fantastic. It is designed detergent for dry skin. The Cleansing formula with olive oil is rich in antioxidants to reduce skin irritation caused by sunburn. Helps kill bacteria that causes acne and skin to be more smooth and radiant.

3. Apply a moisturizer with bleaching concentrations.

White face of nature. After washing the treated surface, while still wet with a cloth. Apply moisturizer to the skin immediately. In order to help the skin retain moisture in the skin for a long time. It also helps the skin naturally together key girls should choose a cream or Moise riser with a light texture for lunch. To prevent clogging of the skin. And reduce the stickiness during the day. In the middle of the night, to use a cream with a rich texture. In order to maintain a complete cream does not need large quantities. It is also unnecessarily wasteful back. The cream can also be absorbed into the skin outside. Residual remains on the surface and make it sticky, and can also be selected according to itself, as well. In order to effectively support the lid.

4. Apply sunscreen daily.

How to make a natural white. The sun is very hot today, and this destruction of skin pigmentation from the sun is easy. Apply sunscreen, so this is an excellent product that gives your skin a natural way just as easily girls applying SPF 30 sunscreen before leaving the house on a daily basis, and it should always avoid exposure to sunlight. May be the best umbrella, wearing sunglasses and a hat. Together with the dress, fully protect the skin on other parts. Do not let sunburn at the same time do it every day. Pigmentation of the skin is not the end, of course, beautiful.

5. scrub at least once a week.

White Green If scrub is at least once a week. In order to eliminate dead skin cells. A new surface can replace the surface. Make the skin more In addition, the Scrub also helps with the flow of blood to the skin well fed. Skin healthy It also eliminates waste and glow of the skin. A scrub that can be formulated with a natural as well. A simple formula looks like this:

Baking Soda Scrub
Mix baking soda with 1 teaspoon of honey. Then scrape them neatly in a circular motion. Baking soda will cleanse your skin and remove dead skin cells naturally. While honey helps to moisturize the skin and sterilize. Scrub formulated the functional surface of girls. Clarifying up quickly

Coffee Scrub
Coffee contains caffeine, which stimulates blood circulation under the skin. Can help the skin to effectively remove waste. Make the skin more bright and radiant and natural. Use a coffee grinder to catch water, as well as suppressing the urine pack to face, at least 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Olive oil scrub
Just sugar, mix the olive oil. Then scrub gently clean the surface thoroughly. This recipe will make your skin soft and get rid of dead skin cells and impurities on the skin to be effective. It can also be switched to coconut oil instead of olive oil was. This helps to soften the skin more evenly.

Skin Scrub with Lime Juice
Mix lemon juice, salt Scrub formulated with a role more suitable for oily skin. It helps to cleanse thoroughly, without damaging the natural skin oils like a scrub in the market. Acid in Brocken City lemon juice, and also helps to kill bacteria and make the skin softer. It has a natural white color.

6. Facial mask with natural formula.

Recipes for White Pages I have white skin in a natural way. Say that the function of the mask is obtained from natural raw materials, helps to whiten the skin, as I want. Because the mask is another way. In order to help make the skin more bright and radiant. It also makes the skin smooth and soft to the touch. Wet and alive throughout the day. We are the natural mask is recommended as follows.

Beer, Lemon Juice and Egg White
In the beer mix 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons of egg white and 1 egg, mix well and leave the mask on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Beer contains B vitamins, sugar and yeast, which helps remove dead skin cells from. Skin soft Lemon juice helps reduce the appearance of dark spots to disappear. And skin whitening naturally.
Cucumbers and Lemon Recipe

The mask is formulated to help keep the skin radiant. And calm the burning red from the sun, and also the cucumber juice mixed with 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon turmeric powder 1 teaspoon together. Then mask and leave it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Cucumbers and lemon juice helps to cleanse the skin naturally. While turmeric reduces inflammation. And reduces acne on the face, as well.

7. Steam skin

Obtained white Another way of skin of white skin naturally. It's steaming the skin itself. This way you can do this at home boiling water to a boil. Then André leaned forward and the couple grew. The heat of steam will open the pores out. And to eliminate the clog it away easily. It also makes the skin moist by softening even more.

8. Sip a whitening drink.

How to make a white green Also, taking care of your skin from the outside. White wants a natural way. Any girl Anyone can do this easily. In order to replenish the skin from the inside. Have advised to drink a lot of water around. To eliminate waste from the body. You should drink 8-10 glasses per day detox detoxification. The skin also has If you ask to drink fruit juice. It is a source of high antioxidants to allow the skin of the aura. It also helps slow the aging process as well. Not only rest will turn to drink fresh mixed juice. In order to get vitamins to nourish the skin full-time as well.

How good it is to do this with the 8 Soviets on the skin of the natural path. Each recipe for skin care, which are created from natural raw materials all around. Guaranteed safe chemicals that do not harm the skin.