The warning signs of kidney disease body Edema
Due to increased body water and salts. From the swollen eyelids and the face. Later, swelling of the legs and feet. Do the test with a finger on the pimple while doing and released if depressions are found that are tight swollen. You may have kidney problems
Fatigue, weakness, pale
People with kidney disease rarely asymptomatic. However, if a patient feels tired, fatigue is very close to the kidneys. Add to anemia, itching and loss of appetite as well.
Low back pain
Kidney is the organ that lies beneath the back of us. Therefore, if kidney failure, we can feel the pain. Lumbar region Tourer Loboc and abdomen radiates to the penis. Some of the bones and joints hurt. This may be because there is an obstruction in the ureter, pyelonephritis, or renal aneurysms are cysts.
If we have back, then softly crushed pain. It can indicate a kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, or if the heat is accompanied by signs of pyelonephritis can be caught eruptions of silver fish.urinary
From the kidney, the urinary tract, so if the urine. This can mean kidney failure. If oxygen in the blood, less urine, more frequent urination. Very foamy urine or problems with urination, etc.
Hypertension more
I've never had anything before. But state control to see high blood pressure may be more vulnerable to kidney disease. Doctors should perform a thorough examination to see if the kidney does.